
(no title) (EDITED)

"Vexis...? Hellooo?"

Vexis was rudely awoken by an annoyingly familiar voice, she opened her eyes only to see Xenon staring her in the face. "WHAT!?" She exclaimed in surprise. "C'mon, I wanted to show you the guild, but you kinda walked away yesterday..." Xenon reminded her, as if the memory of Lea freaking them out yesterday wasn't memorable enough. "I don't want to see your guild...In fact, I should be leaving now." Vexis replied. "Well, where are you going to go?" Xenon asked intrusively.

"I-I don't know." She said, unsure of that herself. "Well come on, then! If you have nowhere to go, the Guardian Alliance is perfect for you!" He led her back to guild. She pulled away from him yet again, "No, I'm done with you, I'm done with your stupid town, and I'm done with this guild of yours, goodbye!" she told him off, then started on her way. This time, however, Xenon let her go. He figured if she needed help, that she would come back...

Xenon was wrong, of coarse. Vexis got herself into many fights, chases, and arguments on her way of leaving the city. She sat down at the base of a tall tree that stood at the gates of town. 'Where WILL I go...? I have no home, no family, no friends, and I'm wanted by many of those stupid scientists...I have nowhere to go...' Vexis finally stopped to think things through a bit, and concluded that there really was no place for her. Xenon saw her on his way to a hunt, the other job he had when he wasn't needed to patrol the forest. Professional Monster-Slayer. How cliché sounding. "Hey Vexis...I thought you said you were done with this 'stupid' place...?" he asked, now curious as to why she hadn't left yet. She looked up at him solemnly, "I have thought about things a bit...and you're right. I have nowhere to go, so here I am, still here in this 'stupid' place." She got up from the ground, now going back into town. "H-hey! Where you going now?" Xenon demanded while chasing after her. Vexis glanced back at him, "You won, I have nowhere, so I'm going to this guild you speak of." she had a more cheerful tone now, or at least, as cheerful as Vexis could be. The crazy, mutant, killing-machine she was created to be. "Uh....which way was it, again?" Vexis asked him, randomly pointing in various directions. Xenon grinned, he was glad to see she was interested in joining now. "Ha, this way, silly!" He yelled out to her, just as she started going the wrong way. "Oh..." Vexis looked a bit embarrassed about having to be yelled at to go the right way.


Many painful sounding yells could be heard throughout town as Lea passed by. Several moronic guys tried hitting on her, but all their attempts failed miserably, as she quite clearly caused them pain. "Idiots, when will they ever learn?" She rolled her eyes at them. Lea scanned the 'WANTED' posters on the wall to see what hunts were available for her to get, unfortunately, there were only two posters up, one for herself, and the other for Vexenesis. 'Wonder how hard it'd be to catch her...'